4/3/2013 - One week to SAT; reviewed Official 2012-13 SAT: 700 790 710
2/24/2013 - Two weeks to SAT: reviewed K12: R690 W760; reading and writing review
- College Board 2012-13 practice SAT
- Reviewed OG T2: 710 740 700
- HW
- Math SAT 800 extra practice: p. 41-52 (advanced algebra)
- K12 T12 all reading and writing, essay included
- Reviewed K12 T11: R650 M670 W700
- HW
- 3 practice essays from The College Board: work on a tight edit, sophistication of wording and concepts
- Official SAT Study Guide next available full test
- Reviewed K12 T10: R620 W740 (8)
- HW:
- Complete, grade, scale, and enter via data form K12 T11
- Study Math SAT 800 pgs. 14-30
- Reviewed most of OG T9
- HW:
- Complete, grade, scale, and enter via data form OG T9
- Complete K12 T10 all reading and writing sections: grade, scale, mark in book
- Study Math SAT 800 pgs. 14-19
- Complete Math SAT 800 practice problems pgs. 20-30
- Reviewed K12 T9: R680 M720 W740
- HW:
- Enter PSAT and all practice tests, with test date, into test data record (via form below)
- 1 full OG SAT; grade, scale, enter
- Reviewed K12 T8: 19/1
- PSAT: 680
- HW:
- Check available CB tests
- Get Princeton Review 11 SAT practice book
- Before practice test, add all K12 T8 S5 errors to error log and study closely
- 1 full practice SAT (K12 T5; hold T4 remainder), essay included, from K12 book
- Crush the Test extra-hard problem sets (manipulation page plus one other)
- reviewed writing mc practice, K12 T5 writing mc drills
- One practice essay (prompt also from K12) with critical notes & suggestions in mind
- Two writing sections (review log first!), one math section
- Crush the Test math intro page problem set
- Pick up SAT vocabulary app
- Two, two, and two reading, math, and writing SAT practice sections (K12) all in one sitting; use grid sheets and grade, with missed answers marked in test book
- One practice essay (prompt also from K12) with critical notes & suggestions in mind
- Pick up either SAT vocabulary flash cards and/or Gruber Critical Reading Workbook
- Finish PSAT practice writing section
- 2 reading sections and 2 writing sections in Test 1 of the K12 book; grid (on scantron sheet) and grade (first on scantron sheet, then marked in test book); we will log writing errors first 1
- 1 practice essay, also from the essay prompt of Test 1 of K12
- PSAT review and enter online via data form
- K12 T6 review and enter online via data form
- All preceding tests enter online via data form
- OG T3 complete - mark trouble questions as you take the test, and grade/review thoroughly
- Cecile: Careless Error Elimination - Master:
- Question marking/notetaking techniques to avoid missing key information
- Writing out every solution step of every problem
- Error-checking routines to perform after every problem to catch errors
- Answer-checking methods to perform after every problem to confirm answer
- K12 (Kaplan 12 SAT book), timed, gridded, and graded:
- Remaining sections of Test 1
- Test 2 complete, including essay
- Test 3 complete, including essay
- K12 (Kaplan 12 SAT book) Test 1, timed, gridded, and graded:
- 2 reading sections (sections 2 & 4)
- 2 math sections (sections 3 & 5)
- 2 writing sections (sections 6 & 9)
- SAT math practice sections 1, 2, and 3 of http://www.majortests.com/sat/problem-solving.php
- Official SAT Study Guide Test 1, timed, gridded, and graded, including essay
- Scan and e-mail essay to trevor@topsatcoach.com
- Submit your scores (when calculated) via the form on this page
- Optional:
- Get Dr. Chung's SAT Math book
- Attend this Saturday's free SAT writing clinic at the Nyack library, 1-3pm
- PSAT review and enter online via data form
- K12 T6 review and enter online via data form
- All preceding tests enter online via data form
- OG T3 complete - mark trouble questions as you take the test, and grade/review thoroughly
- Maya: Circles - Master:
- circumference and area
- arcs and sectors
- circles inscribed and circumscribed within/around squares and equilateral triangles
- K12 (Kaplan 12 SAT book), timed, gridded, and graded:
- Remaining sections of Test 1
- Test 2 complete, including essay
- Test 3 complete, including essay
- K12 (Kaplan 12 SAT book) Test 1, timed, gridded, and graded:
- 2 reading sections (sections 2 & 4)
- 2 math sections (sections 3 & 5)
- 2 writing sections (sections 6 & 9)
- SAT math practice sections 1, 2, and 3 of http://www.majortests.com/sat/problem-solving.php
- Submit your scores from Official SAT Study Guide Test 1 (when calculated) via the form on this page;
- Scan and e-mail essay to trevor@topsatcoach.com
- Optional: Attend this Saturday's free SAT writing clinic at the Nyack library, 1-3pm
- PSAT review and enter online via data form
- K12 T6 review and enter online via data form
- All preceding tests enter online via data form
- OG T3 complete - mark trouble questions as you take the test, and grade/review thoroughly
- Sophia: Percentages & Fractions - Master:
- converting % to fractions and back
- calculating multiple % changes
- multiplying, dividing, adding, and subtracting fractions
- K12 (Kaplan 12 SAT book), timed, gridded, and graded:
- Remaining sections of Test 1
- Test 2 complete, including essay
- Test 3 complete, including essay
- K12 (Kaplan 12 SAT book) Test 1, timed, gridded, and graded:
- 2 reading sections (sections 2 & 4)
- 2 math sections (sections 3 & 5)
- 2 writing sections (sections 6 & 9)
- SAT math practice sections 1, 2, and 3 of http://www.majortests.com/sat/problem-solving.php
- Submit your scores from Official SAT Study Guide Test 1 (when calculated) via the form on this page;
- Scan and e-mail essay to trevor@topsatcoach.com
- Optional: Attend this Saturday's free SAT writing clinic at the Nyack library, 1-3pm
- PSAT review and enter online via data form
- K12 T6 review and enter online via data form
- All preceding tests enter online via data form
- OG T3 complete - mark trouble questions as you take the test, and grade/review thoroughly
- Zoe: Sequences and Sets - Master:
- arithmetic, geometric, and exponential sequences
- union, intersection of sets
- K12 (Kaplan 12 SAT book), timed, gridded, and graded:
- Remaining sections of Test 1
- Test 2 complete, including essay
- Test 3 complete, including essay
- K12 (Kaplan 12 SAT book) Test 1, timed, gridded, and graded:
- 2 reading sections (sections 2 & 4)
- 2 math sections (sections 3 & 5)
- 2 writing sections (sections 6 & 9)
- SAT math practice sections 1, 2, and 3 of http://www.majortests.com/sat/problem-solving.php
- Official SAT Study Guide Test 1, timed, gridded, and graded, including essay
- Scan and e-mail essay to trevor@topsatcoach.com
- Submit your scores (when calculated) via the form on this page
- Optional: Attend this Saturday's free SAT writing clinic at the Nyack library, 1-3pm
- HW
- Get Dr. Chung's
- Review and log (writing) K12 T1 S6-9
- Complete Dr. Chung Test 1
- Complete K12 T2
- 2 full practice SATs - essay included
- Dr. Chung test 2 (3 sections)
- Crush the Test math problem sets
- Complete (using grids), grade, and scale one full practice SAT with essay
- Get Dr. Chung's SAT Math book
- Complete the Crush the Test:
- algebra manipulation problem set
- fractions problem set
- functions problem set
3/3/2013 - Reviewed challenge SAT math questions-of-the-day; Reviewed OG T1: 660 650 670
- 1 SAT essay
- 1 Dr. Chung section
2/21/2013 - Practice scores OG T2: 690 630 630
- HW
- Official Guide Test 1 in full (since you did T2 already)
- Extra-carefully grade and share scores with me, and send essay if possible
- Reviewed
- Dr. Chung T6 S3: perfect score
- K12 T10 2 reading 1 writing
- HW
- Official Guide Test 1 in full
- College subject test information research - please know
- Reviewed
- K12 T9 reading and writing: 620 670
- Dr. Chung T5
- HW
- Dr. Chung Tip 2: Ratio of Similar Figures
- Dr. Chung T6 S3 - If, without checking answers (ever!) or getting another person/resource to solve each problem, you produce a perfect section (untimed), I will only assign one Dr. Chung math section per week for a month from our next session
- Harry Potter!!!!
- K12 T10 2 reading sections and the 35q writing section
- Reviewed writing error study
- Reviewed K12 T8: 590 660 710
- HW
- 1 full practice test (in one sitting):
- K12 T9 reading & writing
- Dr. Chung T5 math
- Reviewed 2 writing sections
- HW:
- Review writing error log, identify 3 top writing errors (weighted towards current trends)
- One full practice SAT - mark all uncertain questions as you take the test
- Review Dr. Chung T3 S7 T4 S3, K12 T6 S4&9
- HW
- Dr. Chung T4 S5&7
- 2 additional complete writing sections, graded
- Reviewed Dr. Chung T3 and PSAT 70 68 59
- HW: Dr. Chung T3 S7 T4 S3; study flagship sentences; study writing error log; complete 2 K12 writing sections (35 &14)
- Reviewed Chung T1 S7, T2 S5&7
- HW:
- Dr. Chung T3 S3&5
- Dr. Chung T2 S3 catchup review with tips
- Review remaining misses in K12 T5
- Complete two more K12 reading sections: final S T5, 1st S T6
- (reviewed Dr. Chung T1 & 2)
- HW:
- Dr. Chung T2 S5&7
- Review last question of section we didn't finish
- 2 K12 reading sections
- 1 practice essay - no dangling modifiers!
- If we first meet Dec. 2, complete section 3, test 2 in Dr. Chung's SAT math book - UNTIMED
- Complete test 4 grading and analytical review
- 30 flagship sentences
- Essays from T2 and T3
- Complete the 35Q and 14Q writing sections from T5
- (reviewed T1 essay and T4 from K12 writing 35 & math 16)
HW 11/11/2012
- Complete test 1 in Dr. Chung's SAT math book - UNTIMED
- Complete test 4 of K12 - all remaining sections
- 30 flagship sentences
- Be prepared to review your essay from T1
HW 10/23/2012
- Crush the Test Word Problems page
- Dr. Chung's SAT Math
- K12 T4: 1 essay, 1 reading (**), 2 math, 1 writing (35q or 14q, whichever's next)
- On deck: 30 flagship sentences
- Crush the Test functions page problems
- Dr. Chung's SAT Math
- Review and analyze errors in K12 T3
- Complete timed practice PSAT (from Official Student Guide to the PSAT)
HW 10/3/2012
- Crush the Test fractions page problems
- 20 more Flagship sentences; watch parts of speech and expand sentences so that they convey information even to the uninitiated; no run-on sentences!
- Complete Full Test (T3) in Kaplan 12 SAT book. Include essay. Grid, grade, circle missed questions in K12 book.
HW 9/25/2012
- Crush the Test manipulation page problems
- 20 Flagship sentences; watch parts of speech and expand sentences so that they convey information even to the uninitiated
- One section each of reading, math, and writing, grid and grade
HW 9/18/2012
- http://www.crushthetest.com/ctt_questions_fset.html – complete all problems on introductory page
- SAT practice sections, timed, gridded: reading, math, writing
- Flash cards and/or smartphone app (Kaplan flashcubes): 20 flagship sentences in a Google doc shared with me: trevorhochman@gmail.com
2/28/2013 - Reviewed OG T4
- Full timed OG practice test
2/14/2013 - Reviewed K12 T2 reading & writing sections; Test date: May
- Dr. Chung T3
- Official SAT Study Guide T4: grid, essay, grade, mark, analyze, log writing errors online
2/7/2013 - Reviewed Dr. Chung T1 S5
- Complete K12 T2 reading sections
- Complete K12 T2 writing sections
- Complete Dr. Chung T2
- Contact me to make Skype check-in apptmt.
1/31/2013 - Reviewed K12 T1
- Scan and e-mail (to trevor@topsatcoach.com) K12 T1 essay
- Complete Dr. Chung Test 1
- Complete K12 T2 reading sections (all three): grid, grade, mark (errors in test book), scale!
- Complete K12 T2 writing sections - AFTER reviewing writing error log; then grid, grade, mark (errors in test book), and log errors in writing error log
1/17/2013 - Review OG T1
- K12 T1: grid, grade, mark errors/skips in test book
- Bring OG T1 (which should be graded & marked in book)
- Complete tutoring contact form
- Get Dr. Chung's SAT Math book
- Beat your own high score on http://arithmetic.zetamac.com/
- Get Kaplan 12 SATs book
- Complete sections 1-5 of T1 in K12, timed, gridded, graded, marked
- Reviewed OG T2:
- Reviewed OG T1
- HW
- OG T2 in full with essay
- Scan and send essays from OG T1 & OG T2
- Enter scaled practice test scores online once you have them
- Optional but helpful: Dr. Chung T3
- Grade and scale K12 practice test you already took
- Take a complete OG practice SAT: grade, mark, scale
- For all future sentence completions, look up and note down definitions of unfamiliar words
- finish Dr. Chung T3
- OG complete practice SAT with essay
2/1/2013 - Reviewed Dr. Chung tips and T2
- Dr. Chung T2 S7 and T3
- Arithmetic Against the Clock!!!==>http://arithmetic.zetamac.com/
- K12 T2 reading S8 and T3 first reading section; grid, grade, mark in book
- K12 T2 both writing sections: grid, grade, mark in book; we will log your errors
- Dr. Chung ratio of similar figures tip #2 practice questions
- Dr. Chung classifying groups different ways tip #4 and practice questions
- http://arithmetic.zetamac.com/ (arithmetic against the clock)
- Dr. Chung T2: grid, grade, mark all misses and questions to be reviewed
- Complete K12 T1 reading section 7 and T2 reading sections 2 and 6, grid and grade all (including K12 T1 section 4)
1/18/2013 - Reviewed K12 T1 3 sections
- Get Gruber's SAT Word Master
- Complete Dr. Chung Test 1 (sections 3, 5, & 7)
- Complete K12 Test 1 reading sections 4 & 7
1/11/2013 -Reviewed 2012 PSAT
- Get Dr. Chung's SAT Math book
- Get Kaplan 12 SATs book
- Enter PSAT scores on test data record
- Complete tutoring contact data form
- If possible, complete one reading, math, and writing section from T1 of K12
3/3/2013 - Reviewed OG T6: 640-720; 680-740; 620-760 math careless errors review; reading justification and consistency study & practice
- Essay practice (1 or 2)
- Dr. Chung anti-error practice
2/24/2013 - Reviewed OG T5: 630-710; 700-780; 630-770 (e6) - March 9 SAT
- Full OG Test 6
- 1 Dr. Chung section
- HW
- Full OG Test: grid, grade, mark in book, scale (when feasible)
- 1 Dr. Chung section
1/27/2013 - Reviewed K12 T4, 5, 6
- Probability:
- http://www.mathsisfun.com/combinatorics/combinations-permutations.html
- http://mathforum.org/dr.math/faq/faq.prob.intro.html
- Probability problem page of http://www.crushthetest.com/ctt_questions_fset.html
- Dr. Chung T2
- K12 T7 all reading sections
1/13/2013 - Reviewed K12 T3: (essay cleanup) 670 700 630 & Dr. Chung T1
- Take a complete practice SAT (K12 T4), grade, scale, mark errors in book
- Bring PSAT report and test book
- Complete review of K12 T2
- Complete K12 T3
- Review and come prepared to discuss challenging Dr. Chung T1 problems
12/16/2012 - Reviewed K12 T1
HW: K12 T1 S6
(writing error notes:
8. redundancy
9. pronoun #, run-on
18. adjective v. adverb!
24. ambiguous pronoun
25. who/whom, run-on
26. apples & oranges
27. apples & oranges)
Complete writing error log for CB T2
K12 T1: grid, grade, scale (to the extent possible), complete worksheet, transfer misses to test book
3/5/2013 - Reviewed K12 T1 writing section and logged errors
- K12 T2 in full - score, scale, and LOG ERRORS
- Dr. Chung T2 in full
2/19/2013 - Reviewed OG T7 reading sections: -3, -4
- Bring all books and resources to each lesson
- Study Gruber word lists and etymology, focused on using words in working vocabulary
- Flagship sentences: 100+
- Dr. Chung T1
- K12 T1 all reading and all writing sections (including essay): grid, grade, mark in book, scale from chart
2/5/2013 - Reviewed training strategy and began analyzing practice test performance (OG T1): 570 610 460
- Enter PSAT 2011 score into data entry form
- Arithmetic Against the Clock - record your best
- Get Dr. Chung
- 2 practice reading sections (from K12 book, or if not yet acquired, T7 of OG)
- Get a vocabulary and etymology resource
- Crush the Test splash page, algebra manipulation page, algebra fractions page
For first lesson, 2/5/2013
- Enter into the Test Record form (linked on your main page) test scores for any actual PSATs/SATs you've taken, plus your most recent full-length practice test score (if any).
- Research SAT score and school grades admissions data on colleges, especially your "reach" schools, and write down the median SAT score admitted to each. We'll review these as we develop goals for your SAT prep.
- Gather and bring along for our first lesson all SAT prep books and resources you have (including the compulsory Official SAT Study Guide), wood #2 pencils, calculator, and a notebook you'll consistently use for SAT prep.
- Let me know via text or e-mail if you have questions or requests for our first lesson.
- Review: K12 T2 writing & reading: June test date
- HW
- Log all writing errors
- K12 T3 all reading and writing sections: grid, grade, mark in book
- Dr. Chung T3
1/31/2013 - Reviewed PSAT 2012 reading and math
- Complete Dr. Chung Test 1 (if available; if not, ask for Crush the Test problem sets): grid, grade, mark errors in book
- Complete K12 T1 (or T2 if T1 is exhausted) all three reading sections: grid, grade, mark errors in book
- Complete K12 T1 (or T2 if T1 is exhausted) both writing sections: grid, grade, mark errors in book, enter errors in writing error log data entry form
2/28/2013 - March 9 and June 1
- Get:
- College Board's Official SAT Study Guide
- Dr. Chung's SAT Math
- Kaplan's 12 SATs
- Complete Kaplan test 1 all three reading sections, untimed, using the methods we practiced today
3/3/2013 - Reviewed OG T6; Dr. Chung T3
- Dr. Chung tips and practice exercises
- 2 (p. 9)
- 14 (p. 33)
- OG T7 all sections incl. essay
- Dr. Chung T4
2/26/2013 - Reviewed OG T5,
- Record OG T5 on test data entry form (give yourself an 8 for the essay)
- OG T6 using techniques we have been practicing, especially in reading
- Be prepared to log writing errors; review writing error data entry form
- Dr. Chung T3
2/19/2013 - Reviewed OG T4, Dr. Chung T1; practiced error logging and precise analysis; May test date
- OG T5 reading and writing: Focus on KILLING reading passages when you first read; grid (with grid pages removed from book), grade (mark Xs for incorrectly answered questions, circles for skipped), mark in test book, scale carefully using scaling charts
- Dr. Chung T1: review and analyze incorrect answers
- Dr. Chung T2: grade, mark errors in book
2/10/2013 - Reviewed Oct. 6 SAT & practice tests, established 2000 as target score for May SAT; studied and drilled Dr. Chung T1 S3
- Official Guide Test 4 all three reading sections: grid, grade, mark misses in test book, scale using chart
- Official Guide Test 4 all three writing sections (essay, 35q, 14q): grid, grade, mark misses in test book
- Dr. Chung T1 all three sections
For first lesson, 2/10/2013
- Complete the Tutoring Contact Info form linked on your main page.
- Enter into the Test Record form (linked on your main page) test scores for any actual PSATs/SATs you've taken, plus your most recent full-length practice test score (if any).
- Research SAT score and school grades admissions data on colleges, especially your "reach" schools, and write down the median SAT score (and interquartile range, if available) admitted to each. We'll review these as we develop specific goals for your SAT prep.
- Get the Official SAT Study Guide (if you don't already have it) and Dr. Chung's SAT Math book.
- Gather and bring along for our first lesson all SAT prep books and resources you have, wood #2 pencils, calculator, and a notebook you'll consistently use for SAT prep.
2/27/2013 - March 9; reviewed OG T3: 540 520 560 550 (7): OG T5, if possible Dr. Chung
2/13/2013 - March 9 SAT three+ weeks out; reviewed OG T1: R630 W610, M:Dr. Chung
- HW
- 1 Dr. Chung practice section: correct and study all errors
- Full Official Guide practice SAT with essay: grid, grade, SCALE, and mark in book
2/6/2013 - Reviewed writing error log, Dr. Chung T1 S5&7, practiced real SAT 2012 problems
- OG T7 all reading sections - grid, grade, mark
- OG T7 all writing sections - grid, grade, mark, and log errors online
- K12 T3 essay: already written, please scan and e-mail to trevor@topsatcoach.com
- Dr. Chung T2 S3&5
1/30/2013 - Reviewed K12 T2 essay, Dr. Chung T1 S3
- Dr. Chung Tip 33 (probability) all practice
- Dr. Chung Tip 2 question 4
- Dr. Chung T1 S5 and S7: grid, grade, mark
- K12 T3 all reading sections - with unremitting technique!! Grade and mark each section.
- K12 T3 all writing sections - grade, mark, and log all errors in online error log
- K12 T3 essay: outline and write!
1/23/2013 - Reviewed: K12 T2 in full, 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 triangles
- Get Dr. Chung SAT Math
- Complete K12 T2 Essay (scan & email for early review if you like)
- Review thoroughly all K12 T2 writing errors and LOG
- Dr. Chung T1 S3; if you don't get Dr. Chung in time, complete http://www.crushthetest.com/ctt_questions_fset.html geometry lengths & areas pages
1/16/2013 - Reviewed: K12 T1 math sections
- Review Policies & Info page on TopSATCoach.com
- Crush the Test Manipulation page exponents questions q. 2, 3, and 6
- Learn Pythagorean Triples
- Memorize 45-45-90 and 30-60-90 triangle rules
- Complete K12 T2 in full: grid, grade, and mark misses in test book
1/9/2013 - Reviewed K12/T1/S2 reading
- Complete online tutoring contact form
- Complete all three math sections of K12/T1, timed and gridded
- Log all errors from 14-Q writing section of K12/T1
- Ask Trevor to post network password in tutor room
- Gruber 43-58
1/2/2013 - Reviewed PSAT, studied critical reading technique
- Gruber pgs 35-39
- Kaplan 12 SATs T1 All reading sections – Use techniques we practiced!!!